In the late 1800’s, pioneer ministers of the Baptist faith were working diligently to establish congregations in the Harris County, Georgia area. In 1886, Bethany Baptist Church, a rural congregation in Harris county, met at its regular conference and voted to build a new Baptist church in the town of Chipley (now named Pine Mountain.) Chipley was a growing town in this rural community with many small businesses and the railroad had recently come to Chipley.
The Baptist Church was built and dedicated on May 28, 1887. The Chipley Baptist Church served the town well until the fateful night of April 24, 1908, when the town of Chipley was struck by a devastating tornado. The entire town, including the Baptist Church, was leveled. Although the tornado was a major devastation, God’s people responded with resolve to rebuild. On April 24, 1910, the new brick Baptist Church was dedicated.
As we continue each new year in God’s service, we are increasing and expanding our ministry. We invite you to become a disciple of Jesus Christ and an active part of the ministry and fellowship of this part of the Body of Christ called First Baptist Church Pine Mountain.